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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

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  • Statement On The Amendments To Regulation S-P: Privacy Of Consumer Financial Information And Safeguarding Customer Information, SEC Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda, May 16, 2024

    Date 16/05/2024

    Today, the Commission adopted amendments to Regulation S-P, which were proposed last year. Regulation S-P was initially adopted in 2000 pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, or the GLBA. Congress subsequently amended the applicable privacy provisions of the GLBA in 2015.

  • Please Mr. Postman – Statement On Regulation S-P, SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce, May 16, 2024

    Date 16/05/2024

    I write in support of today’s amendments to Regulation S-P, albeit with some reservations. Protecting customers’ information and notifying them when it is compromised are important—even more important than when the Commission adopted the original version of Regulation S-P in 2000. All of us have given our personal information to a business with a tinge of fear that our information is at risk because even companies that work hard to protect this information are under constant attack by cybercriminals. And many of us have received a letter notifying us of a breach involving our information. Today’s Regulation S-P modernization will help covered institutions appropriately prioritize safeguarding customer information. Customers will be notified promptly when their information has been compromised so they can take steps to protect themselves, like changing passwords or keeping a closer eye on credit scores. My reservations stem from the breadth of the rule and the likelihood that it will spawn more consumer notices than are helpful.

  • BIS: Basel Committee Publishes Report On The Digitalisation Of Finance

    Date 16/05/2024

    • The Basel Committee has published a report on the implications of the digitalisation of finance for banks and supervision.
    • The report considers both the benefits and risks of new technologies and the emergence of new technologically enabled suppliers for the provision of banking services.
    • It identifies eight implications for banks and supervisors relating to macro-structural elements, specific digitalisation themes, and capacity building and coordination.

  • Remarks Before The Conference On Emerging Trends In Asset Management, Natasha Vij Greiner. Director, SEC Division Of Investment Management, Washington D.C., May 16, 2024

    Date 16/05/2024

    Good morning.  I am Natasha Vij Greiner, Director of the SEC’s Division of Investment Management.  It is my honor to welcome all of you to the second annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Asset Management hosted by the SEC’s Division of Investment Management. 

  • Tina Diamantopoulos Named Regional Director Of Chicago Office

    Date 16/05/2024

    The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Tina Diamantopoulos has been named Director of the Chicago Regional Office, the Commission’s second-largest regional office.