FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
The EBA Publishes A No Action Letter On The Application Of The European Market Infrastructure Regulation
Date 17/12/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a no action letter stating that competent authorities (CAs) should not prioritise any supervisory or enforcement action in relation to the processing of applications for initial margin (IM) model authorisation received as a result of the entry into force of EMIR 3. The no action letter, developed in cooperation with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), applies until key deliverables mandated under EMIR 3 become applicable.
Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang For Çağdaş Cam Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Date 17/12/2024
In his address at the Opening Bell Ceremony, Korkmaz Ergun, the CEO of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., stated the following:
“Distinguished guests,
Today, I welcome you all to your home, to the Opening Bell Ceremony hosted by our Exchange as we celebrate the listing of Çağdaş Cam Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. at our Exchange."
Nasdaq Welcomed 171 IPOs In 2024
Date 17/12/2024
- Leading U.S. exchange by number of IPOs and proceeds raised for the sixth consecutive year
- Featured the largest IPO and switch
- Over 500 exchange transfers to Nasdaq since 2005
UK Financial Conduct Authority Consults On New Private Stock Market
Date 17/12/2024
Proposals for a new platform - The Private Intermittent Securities and Capital Exchange System (PISCES) - on which shares in private companies will be bought and sold have been set out by the FCA.
Cyprus Stock Exchange Monthly Bulletin November 2024
Date 17/12/2024
The total value of transactions during the month in review reached €151,82 million, with an average of € 7,23 million per trading session.
HKEX To Reduce Minimum Spreads In Hong Kong Securities Market
Date 17/12/2024
- Minimum spreads of Applicable Securities to be reduced by 50%-60% in two phases, to lower overall transaction costs and boost liquidity
- Phase 1 to be implemented in mid-2025; Phase 2 to be launched one year later, subject to review of Phase 1 implementation
- Stock Settlement fee structure, order input price limit and market making obligations for relevant single stock options also to be adjusted
BNP Paribas Asset Management Appoints New Head Of European Large Cap Equities
Date 17/12/2024
BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) announces the appointment of Valérie Charrière-Pousse as Head of European Large Cap Equities, effective 1 May 2025. She will succeed Peter Abbott following his planned retirement at the end of April 2025. Peter retires after a long and successful career spanning 40-years in the industry, including 17 years at BNPP AM.
Kiwoom Asset Management Launches KIWOOM KOSEF US Quantum Computing ETF, Tracking Solactive U.S. Quantum Computing Index
Date 17/12/2024
Solactive is pleased to announce a further collaboration with Kiwoom Asset Management. The South Korean issuer is launching the KIWOOM KOSEF US Quantum Computing ETF that tracks the Solactive U.S. Quantum Computing Index. The product aims to provide investors with focused exposure to the quantum computing value chain, including infrastructure, software, cryptography, and artificial intelligence applications.
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Market Bulletin, December 13, 2024, Issue 38
Date 17/12/2024
Click here to download Shenzhen Stock Exchange#s market bulletin, issue 38.
Statement On Electronic Filing, SEC Chair Gary Gensler
Date 16/12/2024
Today, the Commission approved a final rule to require broker-dealers, securities-based swap dealers, exchanges, clearing agencies, and other self-regulatory organizations to submit forms electronically. I am pleased to support this adoption because it would improve the efficiency of our markets by modernizing the filing process for a wide range of registrants.