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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Quarterly Rebalancing And IWF Changes For S&P Global 100, S&P Europe 350, S&P Asia 50, S&P Latin America 40, And S&P/ASX 50 Indices

    Date 14/12/2005

    Standard & Poor's, as part of the quarterly rebalancing, will update the shares outstanding for several constituents of the S&P Global 100, S&P Europe 350, S&P Asia 50, S&P ASX/50, and S&P Latin America 40 Indices. In addition, as part of their annual review, Investible Weight Factors (IWF) for S&P Latin America 40 index and other IWF updates for the S&P Europe 350, and S&P Asia 50 will become effective after the close of business Friday, December 16, 2005.

  • NZX Announces December Quarterly Index Changes

    Date 14/12/2005

    Index promotions for the two big IPOs of 2005 are the highlight of the December Quarterly Index Review announcement, released by New Zealand Exchange Limited (NZX) yesterday.

  • NYSE Seat Sells For $3,625,000

    Date 14/12/2005

    A regular seat sold on the New York Stock Exchange today for $3,625,000, up $125,000 from the last regular seat sale sold on Dec. 8.

  • NYSE Composite Index Sets New Closing High

    Date 14/12/2005

    The New York Stock Exchange Composite Index® (NYA) closed at a new high of 7852.18.  The previous closing high for the NYA was 7825.00 on Dec. 13.

  • NYBOT Announces Update On Review Of Certified Coffee Stocks In New Orleans

    Date 14/12/2005

    At a meeting held today, the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) Board of Governors considered several recommendations from the NYBOT Coffee Committee regarding the status of certified coffee in licensed stores in the Port of New Orleans, and determined the following: the moratorium on the issuance of delivery notices against certified stocks in the six stores that retain their licenses be lifted, commencing with the March 2006 delivery; the prohibition on the certi