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US Federal Reserve And Other Central Banks Announce Operations To Address Funding Pressures Over Quarter End

Date 26/09/2008

Central banks have been employing coordinated measures designed to address the pressures in global money markets. Most recently, central banks have acted together to inject dollars into the overnight markets. Using their reciprocal currency arrangements (swap lines) with the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Swiss National Bank today are announcing the introduction of operations to provide U.S. dollar liquidity with a one-week maturity. These operations are designed to address funding pressures over quarter end. Central banks continue to work together closely and are prepared to take further steps as needed to address the ongoing pressures in funding markets.

Federal Reserve Actions
To assist in the expansion of these operations, the Federal Open Market Committee has authorized a $10 billion increase in its temporary swap facility with the ECB and a $3 billion increase in its facility with the Swiss National Bank. These expanded facilities will now support the provision of U.S. dollar liquidity in amounts of up to $120 billion by the ECB and up to $30 billion by the Swiss National Bank.

In sum, these changes represent a $13 billion addition to the $277 billion previously authorized temporary reciprocal currency arrangements with other central banks. In addition to the swap lines with ECB and the Swiss National Bank, temporary swap lines previously have been authorized with:  the Bank of Japan ($60 billion), the Bank of England ($40 billion), the Reserve Bank of Australia ($10 billion), the Bank of Canada ($10 billion), the Bank of Sweden ($10 billion), the National Bank of Denmark ($5 billion), and the Bank of Norway ($5 billion).

These arrangements have been authorized through January 30, 2009.

Information on Related Actions Being Taken by Other Central Banks
Information on the actions that will be taken by the other central banks is available at the following websites:
Bank of England Leaving the Board
European Central Bank Leaving the Board  
Swiss National Bank Leaving the Board

Related Federal Reserve Announcements
September 18, 2008
Coordinated measures with Bank of Canada, Bank of England, ECB, Bank of Japan, and Swiss National Bank
September 24, 2008
Arrangements with Reserve Bank of Australia, Danmarks Nationalbank, Norges Bank, and Sveriges Riksbank