Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Toronto Stock Exchange Delayed Opening -- Further Information

Date 22/08/2000

Further to the delayed opening at the Toronto Stock Exchange this morning, an investigation has revealed that the problem was related to a file that was not cleared following testing conducted over the weekend.

The problem, identified at 7:30 AM, only affected certain TSE Participating Organizations.

The TSE delayed opening to pursue an investigation of the issue. The investigation revealed that the file had not been cleared as a result of human error. This was not associated with TSE technology or the migration to the new STAMP gateway. Once the problem was identified and corrected, the TSE was ready to open at 9:38AM.

In consultation with our Participating Organizations, the TSE further delayed the opening to ensure a fair and orderly opening for all market participants.

The opening time of 10:25 was co-ordinated in conjunction with these Participating Organizations.