Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Statement From SEC Chairman Christopher Cox

Date 18/12/2008

Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox today made the following statement:

"I commend President-elect Obama on his outstanding choice of Mary Schapiro to chair the Securities and Exchange Commission after my service ends next month. I have worked closely with Mary for many years on a wide range of financial industry and market regulation efforts, including the creation of FINRA and the protection of senior investors, and she has always been a consummate professional. Her experience at both the CFTC and SEC will be invaluable in tackling the challenges of regulatory restructuring that the next Congress will face. She is deeply committed to protecting investors and ensuring the integrity of our markets, and I know that the employees and alumni of the SEC join me in congratulating Mary and wishing her a smooth and expeditious confirmation."