Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Rowland Fleming leaves Toronto Stock Exchange

Date 19/04/1999

The Toronto Stock Exchange has accepted Rowland Fleming's decision to leave the TSE to pursue other interests. His resignation is effective immediately. The TSE appreciates the work he has done in furthering the Blueprint for Success strategic direction and the realignment of Canadian stock exchanges. Both of these initiatives are now well advanced and the Exchange is confident that they will be successfully concluded. A search is underway for a new president. In the interim, the Senior Management Committee of the TSE has assumed responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Exchange. That Committee reports directly to Barbara Stymiest and to Dan Sullivan, Vice Chair of the TSE. John Carson, Senior Vice President, is responsible for moving forward with the realignment agreement. The Blueprint for Success continues to be a Board-led initiative, which is well underway. The Board of the TSE thanks Rowland for his efforts on behalf of the TSE over the last four years and wishes him well in the future.