Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Proposed Changes To OM Gruppen's Board Of Directors

Date 12/03/2001

At the Annual General Meeting of OM Gruppen, due to be held on March 20, the sharehold-ers representing more than 50 per cent of the companies' shares and votes will propose that number of ordinary members of the Board remain unchanged at eight and that Gunnar Brock will be proposed as a new member of the board. Re-election will be proposed for Jan Carendi, Thomas Franzén, Per E. Larsson, Nils-Fredrik Nyblæus, Sven Nyman, Bengt Rydén and Olof Stenhammar. Lars Irstad has declined to be put forward for re-election.

Gunnar Brock (born in 1950) was until last year CEO and President of Tetra Pak Group, a position he held between 1994-2000 and between 1992-1994 he was CEO and President of Alfa Laval Group. Today Gunnar Brock is a member of the Board of Directors for Lego AS in Denmark, Perstorp AB in Sweden and IMD (Institute for Management and Development) in Switzerland. He is also a partner in MVI (Merchant Venture Investments) and a member of IVA, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Gunnar Brock is based in Switzer-land.

OM's Annual General Meeting will be held on March 20 mars at 1700hrs in the Grünewald hall, at the Stockholm Concert Hall in Stockholm.