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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Instinet Europe Set To Begin Trading On NASDAQ OMX Europe - Completed Conformance Testing Ensures Instinet’s Participation On MTF’s September Launch

Date 26/09/2008

Instinet Incorporated, a global leader in electronic trading and agency-only brokerage services, today announced that its European agency brokerage subsidiary, Instinet Europe Limited, has successfully completed conformance testing on NASDAQ OMX Europe. As a result, Instinet Europe’s institutional clients will be able to have immediate access to the multilateral trading facility (MTF).

“Successfully connecting to NASDAQ OMX Europe marks another major milestone in the continued development of our smart order routing capabilities,” said Richard Balarkas, CEO of Instinet Europe Limited. “Instinet’s global client base will be able to access NASDAQ OMX Europe via sales traders, DMA or through our Instinet Execution Experts™ algorithms.

Added Balarkas: “NASDAQ OMX Europe’s launch heralds an important new phase of competition amongst Europe’s traditional exchanges and new MTFs, and should provide improved liquidity and prices to the international trading community. As an agency broker whose sole mission is to achieve a high-quality trade execution for our clients, we wish NASDAQ OMX Europe every success.”

Commenting on the announcement, Charlotte Crosswell, President at Nasdaq OMX Europe added, “We are delighted that a broker with the international stature of Instinet will be connected from day one. We are confident that access to our liquidity pool will offer price improvement opportunities for Instinet’s international client base.”

Instinet Europe Limited is one of Europe’s largest agency brokerages and is a top 10 broker by market share ranking on the London Stock Exchange year to date[1]. The firm employs more than 40 sales and trading personnel in four European locations. Instinet Europe provides its clients with a comprehensive suite of trading services that includes agency sales trading, global portfolio trading, algorithmic trading/DMA, smart order routing, commission management and its BlockMatch® MTF.

[1] According to the London Stock Exchange Reporting Service.