Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

FFFS 2007:1 - Regulations And General Guidelines Governing Capital Adequacy And Large Exposures

Date 15/09/2008

In force from: 1 February 2007


These new regulations govern, among other things, companies' means to calculate capital requirements using various complex and risk-sensitive methods. The regulations also contain provisions on how companies shall calculate the capital requirement for operational risk.
These regulations are based on the Capital Adequacy and Large Exposures Act (SFS 2006:1371). They are also a part of the implementation of the revised EU Directive based on the Basel 2 agreement. 



The requirement that firms report detailed information on securitisation has been dropped. FI will also require less information submitted regarding the standardised approach for credit risk. Investment firms that report on a monthly basis for the first two months of every quarter now only have to submit information on the capital adequacy ratio as set forth in Appendix 6.

The amendments FFFS 2007:10 and FFFS 2008:13 shall enter into force on
1 December 2008 (FFFS 2008:13 is currently only available in Swedish).

Exposures to another two multilateral development banks shall be assigned a zero per cent risk weight in accordance with the standardised approach. These development banks are the International Finance Facility for Immunisation Company and the Islamic Development Bank.

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FFFS 2007:1 Regulations and general guidelines

Appendix 2 – the form for reporting capital adequacy and large exposures

Amendment 2007:10