Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

European Climate Exchange Market Update – April 2008

Date 01/05/2008

April Highlights:

  • Trading volumes on ECX reached a new monthly record of over 190 Mt, up 207% on April 2007. Futures represented 84% and options 16%.
  • Average daily futures and options volume reached 8.7 Mt (8,665 lots). On 10th April, ECX enjoyed its record volume in a single day with 16.7 Mt (16,786 lots) traded.
  • April was the first full month of the new CER futures contract, which saw an average daily volume of 802,000t and a total of 17.6 Mt.
  • ECX is pleased to announce the launch of the new CER options contract on 16th May 2008.
  • Futures open interest stands at 182 Mt, options open interest at 84 Mt (54 Mt in calls and 30 Mt in puts)
  • ECX and ICE Futures welcome two new emissions members this month: Sucden (UK) Ltd and Geneva Ireland Financial Trading.

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EUA Volume Exchanges