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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Change In The Executive Board Of Deutsche Börse - Blitz Will Be Deputy CEO Of New CEDEL - Francioni To Head The Executive Board Of CONSORS - Potthoff To Succeed Francioni

Date 06/12/1999

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse was advised of changes in the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG on Monday: Jürgen Blitz and Dr. Reto Francioni are leaving the Executive Board. Volker Potthoff is designated to succeed Francioni. Jürgen Blitz (52) is leaving the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG as of December 31, 1999 and will assume the position of Deputy CEO of the new company to be formed by the merger of Deutsche Börse Clearing AG and CEDEL. Blitz has been a member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG since 1996. Jürgen Blitz has headed Deutsche Börse Clearing AG as its chief executive officer since 1994 and made a major contribution to its positioning as the largest European central securities depository. He will now be continuing his work for the European consolidation of clearing and settlement with even greater responsibility in the new entity. Dr. Reto Francioni (44) is leaving the corporation on the best of terms as of March 31, 2000, to become the new chief executive officer of CONSORS AG, Fürth, as of April 1, 2000. Francioni is to be succeeded by Volker Potthoff (45), who is to be duly appointed to the Executive Board effective April 1, 2000.