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Carbon Disclosure Project Data Now Available Via The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® Service

Date 22/09/2008

The Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”) today announced that key climate change data collected by CDP from more than 1,000 of the world’s largest companies, is now available to the global investor and corporate community through the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service.

The data, supplied to CDP by the largest major corporations around the world, will include information regarding a company’s greenhouse gas emissions, statistics in relation to energy consumption and energy intensity and insights into climate change related strategies.

The data collected by CDP, acting on behalf of some 385 institutional investors with $57 trillion in assets under management, provides investors, analysts and senior managers within industry with a better understanding of a company’s preparedness to adapt to a carbon constrained world. Carbon markets are currently worth in excess of $50 billion and, as climate change related regulation increases globally, such markets will inevitably grow.

Paul Dickinson, CEO of CDP: “The availability of CDP information on Bloomberg will allow investors to run emissions data against carbon prices, earnings and share price, power prices and projected carbon prices. As more and more companies are affected by greenhouse gas regulatory systems, investors need to understand how that will affect the bottom line. CDP on Bloomberg will get data out to investors and corporations to improve understanding of the financial implications of climate change to companies worldwide.”

“The addition of CDP information, integrated with Bloomberg’s data, news and analytic tools, reflects Bloomberg’s ongoing commitment to continually add value to the all-inclusive BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service,” said Emilia Fazzalari of Bloomberg. “CDP data on Bloomberg allows users to access information about carbon emissions of companies, helps investors to assess the potential regulatory impact on their investments, and creates greater transparency and more tools for Bloomberg customers to participate in the emissions trading markets.”