Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ASX Monthly Activity Report - August 2008

Date 04/09/2008

August 2008 activity and turnover value levels across many Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) markets were lower than the previous corresponding period, August 2007 (pcp), despite the number of cash market trades being higher than the pcp.

Throughout the month ASX systems – including trading, clearing and settlement, and company announcements – operated normally.

Cash markets (including equities, interest rates and warrants trades):
  • Total cash markets trades for August 2008 were 9.1 million, up 19% on the pcp. Average daily trades of 435,213 were 30% up on the pcp.
  • Total cash market traded value was $108.7 billion in August 2008, down 34% on the pcp, with a daily average value of $5.2 billion, down 27% on the pcp.
  • In August 2008 the average value per trade was $11,896, down 44% on the pcp ($21,291 pcp), and the percentage of value crossed was 27% (25% pcp).
Derivatives markets:
  • Equity derivatives volume (excluding SPI 200) for August 2008 was 1.5 million contracts, down 43% on the pcp, with a daily average of 69,631 contracts, down 38% on pcp.
  • Total futures and options on futures contracts volume (excluding equity derivatives and CFDs) for August 2008 was 5.7 million, down 40% on the pcp, with a notional value of $3.0 trillion. Average daily contracts volume during August 2008 of 270,149 was down 35% on the pcp. • A total of 7,557 ASX CFD trades were transacted in August 2008 comprising a volume of 5.1 million contracts. The total notional value of all CFD trades for August was $160.9 million, and the value of CFD open interest at the end of August was $71.2 million.
Listings and capital raisings:
  • In August 2008 there were 6 entities admitted for listing, compared to 21 in the pcp. Total listed entities at 31 August 2008 were 2,2331 up 5% on the 2,120 as at 31 August 2007.
  • Total capital raised in August 2008 amounted to $5.9 billion, up 34% on the pcp, comprising $0.1 billion in initial raisings, down 91% on pcp, and $5.8 billion in secondary raisings, up 100% on pcp.
Supervisory monitoring and enforcement activity:
  • In August 2008, there were:
    • 10,379 company announcements processed, down 11% with pcp;
    • 26 price queries issued to listed entities, up 63 % on pcp; and
    • 74 trading halts granted, consistent with pcp.

A detailed activity statement for ASX group markets for August 2008 is attached.

1Entities include companies and trusts with quoted equities (including individual entities that trade as stapled securities) and also other entities with debt securities only.