FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2019
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2019
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2016
At this year's Exchange Forum the post-Brexit world, trading across borders, the impact of blockchain, the evolution of FX trading platforms, the disruptive change in financial markets driven by FinTech, Post-Trade and of course, the business of Exchange Groups were featured at the event’s trademark interactive panel discussions.
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2011
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2011
Mondo Visione Surveillance Day 2012
Mondo Visione Surveillance Day 2012
SIX Securities Services Post-Trade Forum – October 2012
SIX Securities Services Post-Trade Forum – October 2012
Capital Markets CRC Videos
The Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC) brings together the best in innovative research and technology to the capital markets domain.
Synpulse ‘Third Generation Operating Models in Wealth Management’
The «Third Generation Operating Models in Wealth Management» forum is the culmination of a series of Synpulse initiatives to promote awareness of the challenges facing senior executives in the UK Wealth Management sector.
Gina Miller will be giving a keynote address at the Exchange Forum, October 1, London
Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller on taking legal action against the prorogation of Parliament
Michael Aitken AM - Australia Prime Minister's Prize For Innovation
Professor Michael Aitken AM, recipient of the Prime Minister's Prize for Innovation as part of the 2016 Prime Minister's Prizes for Science.
Synpulse: "SCALE" Wealth Management Event 21.09.2016, London
SCALE of operations is one of the themes at the upcoming event on 21 September 2016 in London: "Third Generation Operating Models in Wealth Management."
Aesthetic Integration - Formal verification for financial markets
Aesthetic Integration Ltd. (AI) is a financial technology startup based in the City of London. Created by leading innovators in software safety, trading system design and risk management, AI's patent-pending formal verification technology is revolutionising the safety, stability and transparency of global financial markets. IMANDRA Brings major advances in formal verification to bear on trading systems and venues, delivering fully automatic analyses of your trading infrastructure.
Mondo Visione Exchange Forum 2013
In 2013 the Mondo Visione Exchange Forum had more but shorter panels . The areas the panels covered included OTC Derivatives, Trade Repositories, Swap Execution Venues, Cash Equities, changes in the Post-Trade landscape . With participants in the financial services industry now being impacted by international regulation as well as local regulation, it is difficult to keep up to speed with the changes. The Exchange Forum allows you to network and keep up to speed at the same time.