Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

WSE Reminds Of Introduction Of A New Sector Sub-Index WIG- Oil & Gas

Date 30/12/2005

The Warsaw Stock Exchange reminds that starting from January 1, 2006 a new sector sub-index WIG-oil & gas will be calculated and published.

The WIG-oil & gas sub-index will complete the family of sector sub-indices, which comprises of following trades: banking, construction, IT, media, food and telecommunication.

Following the methodology of sector sub-indices, a portfolio of the WIG-oil & gas sub-index constitutes companies representing in the WIG index an oil & gas sector. The weighting of each participant equals it’s weighting in the WIG index. The base date of the new sub-sector index is December 30, 2005 and the base value equals the close value of the WIG index on that day and amounts to 35 600,79.

The WIG-oil & gas sub-index will consist of:

  • PKNORLEN (share 57,54%),
  • PGNIG (share 20,06%),
  • LOTOS (share 13,28%),
  • MOL (share 9,12%).
The WIG-oil & gas sub-index, as previous sector sub-indices, will be published three times a day.

Detailed information about methodology and portfolio composition of the WIG-oil & gas sub-index are available at

Additionally, the Warsaw Stock Exchange, reminds that following the end of the main part of the National Investment Funds programme, December 30, 2005 is the last day of dissemination of the NIF index. The first value of the NIF index was 160,00 points on June 12, 1997, the last value amounted to 104,30 points.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange computes 14 different indices, including WIG20 (blue-chip companies), MIDWIG (mid-cap companies) and TechWIG (innovative technologies companies), which are underlying instruments for futures contracts. Other indices: WIG (main market companies), WIRR (small companies) and WIG-PL (main market domestic companies) are all-share benchmark indices.

All the WSE index selection criteria are based on free float, liquidity and observance of corporate governance.

Additional information concerning the WSE indices, their methodology, selection criteria and portfolio composition are available at