Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Total Options Volume 104% Higher Than Last Crop Year-To-Date
Date 07/02/2000
Volume and open interest statistics for January 2000 show increased interest in options trade in the current crop year. Total volume of options contracts traded since August 1, 1999 exceeds the previous crop year-to-date by 104%. Canola and flaxseed options volume increased 62% and 297% respectively in January 2000, compared to January 1999. And total options open interest on January 31 was 237% higher than 3,946 contracts open on the same date a year ago.
Futures trading volume during the first month of the new year rose (compared to January 1999) in five of WCE's six futures contracts: canola (6%), flaxseed (86%), feed wheat (23%), western barley (51%), and oats (233%). Total futures volume in January 2000 surpassed 158,745 contracts traded the same month last year by 14%.
Though crop year-to-date flaxseed futures volume is 11% lower than the same period in 1998/99, January's volume rose 23% over 7,345 contracts traded last month. And open interest on January 31, 2000 was 13% higher than on the last day of January 1999.
Trade activity increased in the western barley market during January, with trade activity in the futures contract 51% higher than January 1999 and 45% over December 1999. Open interest on the last day of the month exceeded contracts open on January 31, 1999 by 89%.