Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Total Canola Futures And Options Volumes Surpass Year Ago Totals

Date 06/12/2001

Activity in canola futures pit trade was higher for the month of November, up 21.1% to 164,930 contracts, compared to the 136,232 contracts attained in November 2000. As well, crop and calendar year-to-date volumes were up 7.4% and 28.4% respectively, over the same period a year ago. Open interest levels in canola futures on November 30, 2001 were 8.8% higher than the same date in 2000.

Total futures pit trade for the month of November declined slightly from a year ago, totaling 194,108 contracts, compared to 204,251 contracts in 2000. Calendar year-to-date total futures volume was up 18.2% at 2,515,709 contracts compared to the 2,129,062 contracts traded during the 2000 calendar year-to-date total through November. Total futures open interest was down 8.3%, from a year ago, as of November 30, 2001 totalling 89,184 contracts.

Pit trade in feed wheat futures declined from a year ago, totaling 11,465 contracts, compared to 19,745 contracts in 2000. Feed wheat futures crop and calendar year-to-date volumes were down slightly 32.0% and 8.4%, respectively compared to year ago levels. As of November 30, 2001 feed wheat open interest levels reached 8,502 contracts, compared to 11,401 contracts on November 30, 2000.

Combined futures and options volume levels declined slightly for the month of November at 196,401 contracts compared to 207,917 contracts in November 2000. However, calendar year-to-date futures and options pit trade for 2001 was 19.5% higher at 2,627,570 contracts, well ahead of the 2,199,322 contracts established in the 2000 calendar year total through November. Total options and futures open interest levels saw a slight decline, down 10.2% from a year ago as of November 30, 2001at 94,226 contracts.

Canola options pit trade for the month of November saw a 7.4% increase, totaling 2,207 contracts compared to 2,054 contracts in 2000. Canola options crop year-to-date volume was 29,492 contracts, 90.5% ahead of the pace set one year earlier. Open interest levels in canola options remained roughly the same as year ago totals. As of November 30, 2001 canola options open interest levels reached 4,825 contracts, compared to 4,814 contracts on November 30, 2000.