Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Sets All-time Crop-Year Volume Records

Date 01/08/2001

New all-time records were set during the 2000/01 crop year in futures and options volumes at Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE). Record 12-month total futures and options volume, total futures volume, as well as new highs in canola futures and options volume were also established.

Total futures and options trade combined during the August 1, 2000 to July 31, 2001 crop-year set an annual record at 2,854,331 contracts, surpassing the previous record by 20.4% which was established in the 1999/00 crop year.

WCE's premier canola futures contract set an annual volume record of its own with a total of 2,237,928 contracts traded, well ahead of the previous record of 1,819,327 contracts set during the 1999/00 crop year.

Canola is the most actively traded commodity on WCE and has been trading since 1963; options on canola futures have been available since 1991.

"The record high level of trading activity reflects the increasing role of WCE in the international marketplace," said Bruce Love, Director of Marketing for WCE. "During the past year WCE has continued to provide effective products in managing price risk for market participants."

Following the trend, total futures volume reached a record 2,746,234 contracts during the 2000/01 crop year, well surpassing the previous annual record of 2,294,590 contracts set in the 1999/00 crop year.

Total options trade witnessed record crop-year volume levels with canola and western barley setting new volume records. Total options volume for the 2000/01 crop year reached 108,097 contracts, this is well ahead of the previous crop year record attained in 1993/94 of 79,899 contracts.

Canola options volume reached a new crop-year level of 97,301 contracts. The previous record was set in the 1995/96 crop-year at 73,244 contracts. As well, western barley options volume set a new record with 6,535 contacts traded during the 2000/01 crop year, well ahead of the previous record set in 1999/00 at 5,605 contracts.

WCE is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange. WCE offers futures contracts on canola, canola meal, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, western barley, and field peas. Options contracts are available on canola, flaxseed, feed wheat, and western barley.