Canola futures pit trade volume exceeded the previous record for the month of January by 33.3%, reaching 183,346 contracts. Open interest levels in canola futures on January 31, 2001 were 4.8% higher than the same date in 2000, however, canola options open interest declined in January 2001 by 1.2%, to 10,363 contracts, compared to 10,486 contracts in January 2000.
Total futures volume in January 2001 also moved into unequaled territory for the month of January, with pit trade volume reaching 225,396 contracts, 24.7% higher than the previous record attained in January 2000. Contributing factors to the growth in total futures volume for January were increases in both canola and western barley futures volumes, up 33.3% and 7.3% respectively from January 2000. The record pit volume occurred despite volume decreases in feed wheat, flaxseed and oats futures. Crop year-to-date total futures volume for 2000/01 came in at 1,218,700 contracts, well ahead of the 1,135,131 contracts traded during the same period one-year earlier. Total futures open interest on January 31, 2001 was 4.1% higher than the 92,892 contracts open on the same date one-year earlier.
As well, combined futures and options volume levels surpassed the previous record for the month of January, up 24.2% to 231,252 contracts, from the previous record established in January 2000. This record in total futures and options volume is the fourth highest monthly pit trade volume recorded in any month at WCE. Total options volume during January 2001 rose 7.2% compared to January 2000. Total options crop year-to-date volume reached 32,118 contracts, compared to 31,233 at the same time in the 1999/00 crop-year. Increases in both flaxseed and western barley options volume of 29.7% and 121.5% respectively, supported the overall rise in volume.
Total options open interest levels saw a 7.2% increase for January 31, 2001 compared to January 31, 2000, mainly due to an 89.4% increase in western barley open interest levels.