During the month of March new crop flaxseed prices have remained near the contract highs set at the beginning of March and well above the levels seen a year ago. However, Nov 01 canola futures ended the month at near the same price levels seen a year ago.
On an adusted basis the Nov 01 canola-minus-flaxseed-spread has been trending down since the beginning of the year. On March 1, 2001 this spread reached a low of $9.50/tonne and since then has increased slightly to end the month at $16.70/tonne, compared to $43.70/tonne a year ago.
The Oct 01 feed-wheat-minus-western-barley-spread ended the month with feed wheat at a $10.00/tonne discount to barley, compared to a year ago when the approximate discount was about $16.00/tonne.