WCE Inc., is governed by a 12 person Board of Directors, including two Outside Directors who are neither participants or employees/affiliates of Participants and the President and CEO.
The new board is as follows:
Rob Dzisiak, Chairman (President and CEO, CFG Futures Canada Inc.)
Bill Parrish, Jr., Vice Chairman (President, Parrish & Heimbecker Limited)
Ray Bradbury (President, Bradbury Grain)
Lorne DeJaeger (Director, Commercial Banking Canadian Imperial of Commerce)
Jean-Pierre Gallardo (President, CEO and Administrator FIMAT Derivatives Canada Inc.)
Kerry Hawkins (President, Cargill Limited)
Brian Hayward (CEO, Agricore United)
Brant Randles (President and CEO, Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd.)
Curt Vossen (President, James Richardson International)
Mike Gagne (President and CEO (Interim), Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc.)
Outside Directors
Charles Curtis
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc., established in 1887, is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange. WCE offers futures contracts on canola, canola meal, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, western barley, and field peas. Options contracts are available on canola, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, and western barley. For more information on the Exchange, visit www.wce.mb.ca.