Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Fiscal Year Ends With Record Volume Levels

Date 04/09/2001

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) attained several records during the 2000/2001 fiscal year. Record fiscal year performance levels in total futures and options volume, total futures volume, as well as new highs in canola futures volume were achieved.

"We are very pleased with the performance of our markets throughout the 2000/01 fiscal year at WCE," said Bruce Love, Director of Marketing for WCE. "Revisions to well-established contracts along with the introduction of additional commodities during the year have led to growing interest and increased market confidence in WCE products."

Total futures and options trade during the fiscal year (September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001) reached a record 2,925,700 contracts, well ahead of the previous record of 2,348,385 contracts set during the 1999/00 fiscal year.

During the 2000/2001 fiscal year total futures volume reached 2,810,084 contracts surpassing the previous annual record of 2,271,516 contracts set during the 1999/00 fiscal year. Options trade surpassed previous annual records with total options volume levels reaching 115,616 contracts in 2000/01. The previous record for total options trade was set in the 1993/94 fiscal year at 77,255 contracts. Canola options volume also witnessed a new fiscal year-end record of 105,240 contracts well surpassing the previous record of 72,235 contracts attained in the 1995/96 fiscal year. As well, barley options established new record volume levels of 6,729 contracts. The previous record was set in 1999/00 at 5,620 contracts.

WCE is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange. WCE offers futures contracts on canola, canola meal, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, western barley, and field peas. Options contracts are available on canola, flaxseed, feed wheat, and western barley.