Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Enhanced Flaxseed Futures Contract Approved

Date 03/06/2003

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. (WCE) has approved an enhanced flaxseed futures contract design, to be effective with the December 2003 and subsequent contracts. Non-disapproval by The Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) has been received and trading of the revised contracts will begin on June 5, 2003.

The most significant contract changes include pricing in U.S. dollars, the inclusion of a U.S. delivery region and Thunder Bay delivery, generic warrants and delivery certificates, and reducing the maximum deliverable dockage from 14% to 10% (with par level of dockage remaining at 8%.) Alternate shipment regions include Thunder Bay, Ontario and a US region. Contract delivery months are March, May, July, October and December. The daily trading limit is US $20.00 per tonne.

For more information on WCE products please visit the WCE Website - Reference should be made to the WCE Rules section 16A for complete and current details on the flaxseed futures contract.

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc., established in 1887, is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange. WCE offers futures contracts on canola, canola meal, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, and western barley. Options contracts are available on canola, flaxseed, domestic feed wheat, and western barley.