Immediately after the shareholders' meeting the Board met and re-elected Mr. Lorne DeJaeger as Chairman and elected Ms. Sandi Mielitz as Vice-Chairman. The Board of Directors consists of:
Lorne DeJaeger, Chairman (Outside Director)
Sandi Mielitz, Vice-Chairman
Bill Parrish, Jr., Immediate Past Chairman (President, Parrish & Heimbecker,
Mike Gagné (President and CEO, Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc.)
Pete Anderson (President and CEO, FCStone Group, Inc.)
Robert Chipman (Outside Director)
Rob Dzisiak, (President, Refco Canada Co.)
Jean-Pierre Gallardo (President, CEO and Administrator, Fimat Canada Inc.)
Hayward (CEO, Agricore United)
Bern Kotelko (Outside Director)
Brant Randles (President, Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd.)
Curt Vossen (President, James Richardson International)
Ray Wyse (Manager of the Foreign Exchange, Archer Daniels Midland Company)
In his address to the shareholders, Lorne DeJaeger said, "2005 was a year of significant and historic change, as the Exchange became the first fully electronic commodity futures exchange in North America".
WCE is governed by a 13 person Board of Directors, including three Outside Directors who are neither Participants nor employees/affiliates of Participants, and the President and CEO.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc., established in 1887, has been facilitating futures contract trading since 1904. WCE is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange and North America's first fully electronic commodity exchange. WCE offers futures and options contracts on canola, domestic feed wheat, and western barley. For more information on the Exchange, visit