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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Westpac To Distribute AWX Wine Class Shares

Date 13/08/2001

The Australian Wine Exchange Pty Ltd (AWX) today announced that it had signed an agreement with Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac) for it to be a founding distributor of AWX issued Wine Class Shares.

Wine Class Shares will be redeemable preference shares that provide the holder with entitlement to delivery of branded premium wines at a specified future date.

As part of the agreement Westpac will receive a minimum allocation of all initial public offers of Wine Class Shares for distribution to its clients.

AWX CEO, Stephen Thompson, said that agreements are now in place with founding brokers to distribute the majority of all Wine Class Shares for the first two years.

"Our broad base targeted distribution capability has strengthened the support of strong wine brands who are seeking to list."

Westpac joins Commonwealth Securities, E*Trade Australia, Salomon Smith Barney and Camerons Stockbrokers as founding brokers.

"The agreement will enable Westpac to offer a unique, personalised and enjoyable investment to its retail and institutional clients," Mr Thompson said. The AWX is on track to launch the AWX market in September this year.