Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

WCE Monthly Volume Doubles From A Year Ago

Date 01/06/2006

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. ("WCE") total volume of trade during May 2006 was twice the amount of the volume recorded a year ago, according to statistics released today. Total trade in futures and options contracts on WCE during May 2006 was 245,418 contracts which is 99.7% higher than the level recorded in May 2005. This is the twelfth consecutive month of increased trade on WCE when compared to the same month of the previous year.

Trade in canola futures contracts rose sharply to 106.7% over a year ago with a monthly volume of 211,688 contracts. Western barley volume posted a significant increase of 60.8% from last year with 26,466 contracts trading during the month. Feed wheat trade moved up 52.1% from May 2005 with 5,781 contracts being traded.

There were 1,483 canola options contracts traded during the month.

At the end of May, the total crop year-to-date volume was 34.7% higher than last year with 2,202,384 futures and options contracts being traded since August 1, 2005. With two months left in the 2005-2006 crop year, volume on WCE has already surpassed the total volumes recorded for each of the past three crop years.

Total open interest at the end of May 2006 stood at 114,784 futures and options contracts which is 69.4% over the level recorded at the end of May 2005.

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc., established in 1887, has been facilitating futures contract trading since 1904. WCE is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange and North America's first fully electronic commodity exchange. WCE offers futures and options contracts on canola, domestic feed wheat, and western barley.