Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Warsaw Stock Exchange Opens Up For High Technology Stocks - 10 Point Program

Date 04/04/2000

The Warsaw Stock Exchange undertakes a number of steps to promote high technology companies, providing them with better access to capital

A new segment, called SiTech will group companies from IT and Telecommunication sectors. These companies will be presented together in WSE publications, regardless of the market on which they are listed. Newly listed high tech companies will join SiTech regardless of their size.

A new index, called TechWIG, will encompass all SiTech companies. New index will be published on-line on the WSE web site.

The creation of a new futures contract will enable investors to track more easily developments in the segment of high technology stocks.

Together with its members, the Warsaw Stock Exchange will help new companies to organize their offerings, which will cut the cost of raising capital. The next step will be public offerings through the Internet.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange will create information service to directly answer all questions regarding exchange listing new companies may have.

The Exchange will cooperate with banks, legal advisers and brokerage houses in attracting candidates for listing will take the form of partnership agreements.

The Exchange will cooperate with the Securities and Exchange Commission to decrease costs of raising capital through simplifying procedures.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange will post sectoral research on its web site. Another form of promotion will be road shows of new companies which the WSE will help organize.

The profit requirement will be dropped from the listing criteria to allow technology intensive companies to access a regulated market.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange will work, together with its members, for on-line trading to become standard.

On April 3rd, SiTech's help desk will start operating under telephone number (4822) 661 7582 and, where information on regulations, listing procedures and possible assistance available at the WSE may be obtained.

Staring April 10th, all 12 companies, which were qualified to SiTech segment will be traded in the continuous trading system.

The TechWig index will start publishing shortly.