Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Warsaw Stock Exchange Announces An Extraordinary Adjustment In MIDWIG And TechWIG Indices Portfolios

Date 10/03/2004

Following the trading session on March 10, 2004 and the size of packets of GETIN company will be changed in the MIDWIG and TechWIG index portfolio, due to the last day of quotation with subscription rights.

As the result, following March 10, 2004, there will be 5 059 shares in the MIDWIG portfolio and 2 572 shares in the TechWIG portfolio of GETIN company.

Concerning WIG, WIG-PL and WIG-INFO indices, there will be an extraordinary adjustment of their coefficients.

The WIG-PL is the newest index launched by the Warsaw Exchange. It consists of the biggest domestic companies listed on WSE. The WIRR index is dedicated to small companies and covers 1% of market capitalisation.

Additional information about the Warsaw Stock Exchange indices, methodology, selection criteria and portfolios is available on the WSE web site at (Market data -> Indices).