Resolutions 1 to 6(V) were passed as ordinary resolutions, and Resolution 6(VI) was passed as a special resolution. Shareholders may refer to the circular dated 2 March 2004 issued to shareholders for details of some of the resolutions.
As at the date of the AGM, the issued share capital of HKEx is 1,056,456,846 shares. There is no restriction on shareholders to cast vote on any of the aforesaid resolutions at the AGM.
The poll results were subject to scrutiny by KPMG, Certified Public Accountants, whose work was limited to certain procedures requested by HKEx to agree the poll results summary prepared by HKEx to poll forms collected and provided by HKEx to KPMG. The work performed by KPMG in this respect did not constitute either an audit or a review made in accordance with Hong Kong auditing standards nor did it include provision of any assurance or advice on matters of legal interpretation or entitlement to vote.
HKEx also welcomes the Government's reappointment of Mr Lee Yeh Kwong, Charles, Mr Timothy Freshwater, and Dr Lo Ka Shui as Public Interest Directors for a term of two years from 1 April 2004 until the conclusion of the annual general meeting to be held in 2006.