Key Financials
- Pre-tax loss for nine-month period of £4.0 million (year to 31 March 2001: loss of £103.6 million)
- Pre-tax loss before goodwill charge: £3.9 million (March 2001: loss of £17.9 million)
- Operating loss before exceptional items and goodwill in current period of £1.0 million (March 2001: loss of £8.9 million):
- first 6 months trading on virt-x market: market losses of £1.3 million
- last 3 months trading on Tradepoint Europe: market losses of £3.1 million
- other income including interest receivable: £3.4 million (March 2001: £0.4 million)
- Operating exceptional expenditure: virt-x launch costs of £3.3 million (March 2001: £9.3 million, including £2.8 million for development of virt-x)
- Finance received from TP Consortium and its members since 1 April 2001:
- exercise of share warrants : £8.7 million
- drawings under Limited Recourse Facility Agreements: £13.7 million
- Key trading statistics since virt-x market launch - 25 June to 31 December:
- average daily turnover: EUR 2,396 million
- average daily number of trades - total: 32,456
- average daily number of trades - non-Swiss: 1,600
- 98% of trades executed on public limit order book, 72% by value
- Market share in Swiss Blue Chips has risen from 71% to almost 80% since launch
- Over 2,600 traders now connected
- Trading volumes remain solid - despite volatile market conditions