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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Vienna Stock Exchange Repeats Record Result In 2023 Despite Subdued Trading Activity

Date 22/05/2024

  • Consolidated financial statements 2023: Revenues EUR 78.9 million, profit on ordinary activities EUR 47.9 million
  • Business diversification forms a strong strategic foundation
  • Capital market is an effective instrument for green transformation


Jahrespressegespräch 2024

(Vienna) The successful diversification of its business activities enabled Wiener Börse AG to achieve a good result in 2023, even though trading activity on the European capital market was subdued overall. Dampened equity turnover was offset by a record year for bonds thanks to a strong sales focus in this segment: The Vienna Stock Exchange recorded over 8,000 new bonds in 2023. There were three new listings in the equities segment, AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG and EuroTeleSites AG in the prime market and RWT AG in the direct market plus for SMEs. A new trading member, Barclays Bank Ireland PLC, was connected in the previous year. Another international company, Jump Trading Europe B.V., was authorised to trade in Vienna in the current year.

"Despite the limited trading activity across Europe, we were able to maintain the record results of the previous years. This shows that we have done our homework in recent years and have successfully placed our business on a broader footing. In the business areas which we can influence directly – i.e. bonds, data distribution, custody business in Prague as well as IT services – our strategy has clearly proven successful," says Christoph Boschan, CEO of Wiener Börse AG.

Heimo Scheuch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Wiener Börse AG & CEO of Wienerberger AG, emphasises the Vienna Stock Exchange’s continued high potential: "More than one in four people in Austria own securities. However, the potential of the capital market is far from being fully realised, with around 1.6 million more people interested in investing in securities. Austria's households hold around EUR 330 billion in cash or low-interest deposits. Policymakers must follow suit and create incentives to mobilise private capital even more. This is essential for a successful green transformation."

Balance sheet & review 2023: Dampened trading sales compensated

The 2023 financial year was characterised by geopolitical uncertainties as well as high interest rates and inflation. Although the stock exchange group's equity turnover decreased to EUR 66 billion (Vienna: EUR 54 billion, Prague: EUR 12 billion), compared to EUR 87 billion in 2022, consolidated turnover in 2023 remained at the previous year's high level of EUR 78.9 million (2022: EUR 80.0 million) despite the reduced trading volume. This is due to the successful performance of the stock exchange group's other divisions, in particular income from the Central Securities Depository (CSD) Prague, which is responsible for the custody business in the Czech Republic. The earnings before taxes (EBT) generated in 2023 remained strong at EUR 47.9 million (2022: EUR 47.3 million). Equity increased to EUR 177.9 million (2022: EUR 170.0 million), while the net profit for 2023 of EUR 36.4 million was also at the previous year's good level (2022: EUR 36.5 million). As at the end of December 2023, the stock exchange group employed 165 people (full-time equivalents).

Green investments in vogue

The Vienna Stock Exchange is increasing its focus on sustainable investment opportunities and is thus actively supporting the transition towards a green economy. It has been part of the "Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative" since 2020 and is voluntarily committed to promoting long-term, sustainable investments and the disclosure of ESG indicators in dialogue with investors, companies and supervisory authorities.

The Vienna ESG Segment, which is specially designed for sustainable bonds, is experiencing continuous growth: last year, the number of listed bonds surpassed the 100 mark, with a volume of over EUR 27 billion flowing into the transformation of the economy. The Vienna Stock Exchange supports issuers with guidelines for non-financial reporting, which include specific requirements and regulatory guidelines. In addition, the company's ESG achievements are highlighted through active communication measures. Large ATX companies are often recognised as "best in class" in their sectors by leading rating agencies. Nevertheless, the call to utilise the capital market even more for the green transition and other key social challenges remains.

Outlook: Promising start in 2024, ATX TR climbs to new all-time high

The Vienna Stock Exchange has enjoyed a tailwind so far in 2024, achieving its best ever start to the year in the bond segment with 4,967 new listings (as of 21 May 2024). The Vienna MTF has established itself as Europe's most active bond listing venue in the exchange-regulated segment. The change in the trading procedure for Austrian government bonds to continuous auction, which was completed in March and means that they can be traded all day on the Vienna Stock Exchange, also had a positive impact on turnover. Regarding new equity issues, analysts are expecting a more positive market environment and a possible boost for European stock exchanges due to declining inflation rates and a foreseeable trend reversal in key interest rates. The ATX Total Return, which includes dividends like the German benchmark index DAX, increased its previous all-time high of 9 February 2022 (8,251.98) several times in 2024 (most recently on 21 May 2024 at 8,566.58 points).

"Austrian shares are attractive for investors due to their favourable valuations and traditionally high dividend yields. However, we need to strengthen the capital market at both national and European level. We are increasingly losing ground in global competition, especially compared to the USA. In order to remain competitive, we need substantial liquidity pools for equity financing, which we can only fill by expanding occupational and private pension provision," demands Boschan.

Photos of the press conference