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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Vienna Stock Exchange: Austrian Post New In VÖNIX Sustainability Index

Date 24/06/2024

Today the VÖNIX VBV Austrian Sustainability Index, one of the first national sustainability indices worldwide, enters its 20th year. The index comprises 20 members and represents domestic listed companies that stand out with their corporate sustainability activities. Austrian Post has been newly included and Raiffeisen Bank International has been removed from the index, according to the VÖNIX partners VBV-Vorsorgekasse, Security KAG, rfu research and Vienna Stock Exchange following the annual review in accordance to the rules and regulations.

The 20 VÖNIX members 2024/2025 are:

Agrana Beteiligungs-AG Oberbank AG
AMAG Austria Metall AG Palfinger AG
AT&S Austria Tech.&Systemtech. Rosenbauer International AG
Austrian Post Telekom Austria AG
BKS Bank AG UBM Development AG
CA Immobilien Anlagen AG UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Erste Group Bank AG VERBUND AG
Kapsch TrafficCom AG Wienerberger AG
Lenzing AG Zumtobel Group AG


"Sustainability pays off – the VÖNIX proves this impressively. Not only in companies and its processes, but also in its performance: this year we can again report an outperformance of the VÖNIX with +16.97% ahead of the ATX Prime with +14.21%," says Reinhard Friesenbichler, Managing Director at rfu research, which carries out the sustainability rating.

"In times of climate crisis, sustainable business is becoming increasingly important. What started with the VÖNIX in 2005 is now common practice at many domestic companies. The VÖNIX reflects the sustainability efforts of top Austrian companies. Congratulations to Austrian Post on its inclusion in the VÖNIX," states Andreas Zakostelsky, Chairman of the VÖNIX Advisory Board and VBV Director General.

About the VÖNIX

The VBV Austrian Sustainability Index (VÖNIX) is a price index weighted by free float capitalization. The base universe comprises shares listed on the prime or standard market of the Vienna Stock Exchange with sufficient free float and trading volume. As one of the first national sustainability indices, the VÖNIX has been calculated since 2005. Well-known players of the Austrian capital market enable the ongoing index management and sustainability research through their competences and contributions. These partners are VBV-Vorsorgekasse, Raiffeisen Nachhaltigkeits-Initiative and Security KAG. rfu is responsible for sustainability analysis and Wiener Börse AG for index management, ongoing calculation and publication. Further information on VÖNIX can be found at