The role of the jury is to make an overall assessment of the company’s reporting to the market in order to assess which companies best satisfy the requirements of shareholders and other readers. The market information assessed by the jury consisted mainly of annual reports.
Vattenfall is awarded the prize for its exemplary report in many areas. The jury particularly emphasized the comprehensive review of the market and the competitive situation, in terms of both structure and depth of detail. Vattenfall’s annual report maintained a high standard in its presentation of financial objectives, description of the Group’s risks and environmental activities, and corporate governance issues, all presented in a format that is inviting to the reader.
The winner of the Small Company category, Boss Media, produced an annual report that was solid throughout, although the jury attached particular importance to the company’s excellent description of the market and its business operations. In an educational manner and using an understandable language, the company succeeded in describing a business that many people regard as complex.
In the large company category, four distinctions were awarded for 2004. These went to Atlas Copco AB, AB Electrolux, Getinge AB and NCC AB. In the small company category, distinctions were awarded to Broström AB, Capona AB, Nordnet AB and SkiStar AB.
“The Stockholm Stock Exchange regards it as essential that the communication activities of our companies are of a uniformly high quality. We focus continuously on supporting such efforts, as exemplified by the training programs we arrange and this particular contest. For this reason, it is gratifying that we received many high-quality contributions to this year’s contest. I sincerely thank all of the companies that have worked hard to produce good annual reports, and I would also like to thank the jury for their efforts in naming the winners,” says Jenny Rosberg, President of Cash Market Sweden, OMX.