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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

UK's FSA Publishes Feedback On Options For Regulation Of Stakeholder Products

Date 15/07/2003

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has today published feedback on its Discussion Paper 19 (DP19) - Options for regulating the sale of "simplified investment products". DP19 outlined three broad options for introducing lighter-touch regulation of face-to-face and telephone selling of simplified investment products.

Michael Folger, Director,Conduct of Business Standards at the FSA, said: "DP19 looked at ways to regulate the sales process for products which have risk controls built into them in a way that appropriately balances these two elements of consumer protection.

"We still have to recognise that for some consumers even simplified investment products would be a poor choice. So, before taking any decisions, the next step is consumer testing of a filtered questions approach to the sales process. That will help us assess how effectively it can help consumers make sensible choices."