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UK's Financial Services Authority Announces CFEB Chairman

Date 20/09/2010

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) today announced the appointment of Gerard Lemos as the chairman of the Consumer Financial Education Body (CFEB).

Gerard Lemos is a partner at social researchers Lemos&Crane where he leads the research team. He is the author of numerous books and reports about social policy and is a non-executive director of the Crown Prosecution Service.

CFEB is an independent body, created in April 2010 by the Financial Services Act 2010, responsible for helping consumers understand their finances better. It provides impartial information, education and advice through a national financial advice service.

Hector Sants, FSA chief executive, said:

"I am delighted that Gerard is to become chairman of the Consumer Financial Education Body. Gerard is taking up his role at a critical time for the new body as it prepares to set up the national financial advice service, establish its operational independence and develop a long term strategy.”

The new body is also continuing the programme of work established by the FSA, including projects to help young people, students, employees, new parents, and other targeted groups of consumers such as people facing redundancy, approaching retirement and those via its work with non-profit organisations.