Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

UBS MTF Trading Notice: Rulebook & User Guide Changes

Date 16/03/2021

Following the publication on March 11, 2021 of the UBS MTF Market Notice N4 announcing the transfer of the operations of UBS MTF from UBS AG London Branch to UBS MTF Limited, UBS MTF would like to  inform its Members of changes to its Rule Book and User Guide. The changes principally involve:


  • The change to all references to UBS AG London Branch to UBS MTF Limited
  • The removal of some Brexit definitions and references; and
  • Some changes to references to EU laws as now-on-shored in the UK.

The transfer of the operation to UBS MTF Limited is subject to regulatory approval and the revisions to the Rulebook are expected to go live on or after 1 April 2021. We will confirm the date of the change via Market Notice.

To assist Members, UBS MTF is including with this Trading Notice a marked-up version of the Rulebook highlighting the amended sections together with a clean copy. A clean copy of the User Guide is also attached with this Trading Notice; the only change in the User Guide is the reference to the new entity name. These documents will also be available on the UBS MTF website and published in final form when upon go-live.

UBS MTF Trading Notice Rulebook & User Guide changes