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UAE Securities And Commodities Authority Discusses Cutting Government Bureaucracy With Public Joint Stock Companies And Licensed Entities

Date 17/05/2024

In line with the wise government’s directives, the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) hosted virtual sessions to solicit input and feedback from licensed and public joint stock companies about its services. The sessions also came as part of the SCA’s commitment to comply with the requirements of the Zero Government Bureaucracy program. 

Attending the sessions were H.E. Mohammed Khalifa Al Hadari, Deputy CEO for Supporting Services and Chairman of the Zero Government Bureaucracy Working Group, department managers and officials, and representatives from listed public joint stock companies and financial services companies licensed by the SCA. 

In his opening speech, Al Hadari said that the Zero Government Bureaucracy program was launched by the wise government to eliminate unnecessary requirements and make a qualitative and extraordinary leap in the level of services provided, explaining that by hosting these sessions, the SCA is looking to share ideas and proposals to shorten the customer journey, thus meeting the government’s expectations and eventually leading to the creation of a competitive environment that helps push the securities sector forward and drive economic growth.

He said that the SCA has always been proactive in reducing the burden of bureaucracy and eliminating unnecessary procedures as part of its firm commitment to implementing government initiatives that help improve the level of services, including complying with the requirements of the Government Service Development Guide 2.0, which represents a qualitative leap in service design methodologies. It has also recently completed a study about restructuring its entire services. 

The sessions reviewed the program’s objectives and requirements for implementation as well as the SCA’s action plan for the next stage. They also discussed how to enhance the level and quality of the SCA’s services to save customer time and effort and how to provide institutional services and create an efficient and effective digital infrastructure. 

The Zero Government Bureaucracy program is an initiative launched by the UAE government to eliminate redundant government procedures and unnecessary requirements by cancelling no less than 2000 government procedures and halving the time taken to carry out services to reinforce the status of the UAE and enhance its global competitiveness.