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TSX Technology Announcements: Next Generation Trading Platform And Smart Order Router

Date 31/05/2006

TSX Markets President Rik Parkhill today announced details of two significant TSX Group trading enhancements: the next generation trading engine and a smart order router. He made his comments at the FPL Canadian Electronic Trading Conference in Toronto.

Parkhill said, “Global interest in TSX is increasing, as energy and mining and small caps issues drive TSX to outperform most major international markets.” He went on to say that, “TSX has a long tradition of leadership in high-technology trading and a record of success in anticipating the demands of marketplace participants. TSX will compete aggressively for the benefit of the Canadian capital market.”

Scheduled for delivery in 2007, the next generation TSX trading engine will be designed to be a state-of-the-art platform, with leading messaging capabilities, able to meet the ever-changing needs of the marketplace and response times in the single digit millisecond range, equal to, or better than, any exchange group in the world.

Parkhill added, “Our marketplace embraces new forms of trading modalities and we are quick to add market features that make it easier and less costly to trade. TSX is committed to providing best-of-class solutions to compete effectively with exchanges anywhere.”

In addition to the new engine, TSX unveiled plans for a smart order router. When delivered, this router will help domestic and international clients meet best execution obligations and will eventually be used for multi-asset trades including derivatives.

In addition to announcing revisions to our trading fee model for market participants using TSX facilities, earlier this year TSX announced TSXPress™ -- an innovative series of trading system enhancements aimed at optimizing execution speeds for algorithmic traders on its current platform. Also announced this year was ATX (Alternative Trade eXecution) a new high-speed TSX trading facility that will match firm order flow against in-house interest as well as the undeclared interest of other market participants and is slated to be released at the end of the year. TSX also announced this spring that the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) gateway is in production and the testing and certification process for Participating Organizations has begun.