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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

TSX Group Inc. Supports Strong Investor Relations Practices

Date 26/02/2003

Toronto Stock Exchange supports education and excellence in the Investor Relations profession and once again TSX is a sponsor of the 2003 IR Awards, taking place tomorrow February 27, 2003 in Toronto. Since the Award's inception in 1997, TSX has been the premiere dinner sponsor of the IR Magazine Canada Awards gala. "Investor relations is an important discipline that underpins the very core of confidence in the capital markets," said Clare Gaudet, Senior Vice-President of Toronto Stock Exchange. "That confidence is the key to healthy companies, healthy markets and healthy economies and it is the IR professionals that build, and at times rebuild confidence one investor at a time."

New to the IR Awards this year is the sponsorship, by the TSX Venture Exchange of an award for Best Communications by a TSX Venture Exchange Company. Crescent Point Energy,Triple G and Tm Bioscience Corporation are all nominated for this award. Triple G and Crescent Point Energy were recent graduates from TSX Venture Exchange to Toronto Stock Exchange.

"We feel it is important to recognize the efforts of our junior issuers that do set a good example and demonstrate that a venture company can, in fact, execute a quality IR program with success," said Linda Hohol, President of TSX Venture Exchange.

TSX Venture Exchange helps young, emerging companies with real value grow into strong, quality organizations. As part of this process, venture companies need to understand what good IR consists of and the role it plays in a company's development. "By sponsoring the IR Awards and in particular an award for best communications by a TSX Venture Exchange Company, we are acknowledging that best IR practices should start right at the very beginning of life as a public company," added Ms. Hohol.

TSX Group Inc. (TSX:X) is among three finalists for an award at tomorrow's Investor Relations (IR) Awards, February 27, 2003, in Toronto. TSX Group, which went public last November, is nominated along with Mega Bloks and RONA for Best Investor Relations for an IPO.

This is the sixth year that Investor Relations Magazine has commissioned a survey of the investment community to recognize excellence in investor relations among public companies in Canada. Value Gap Advisors, a Toronto-based independent research firm, conducted the survey for Canada in 2003. The winners are chosen by a large sample of portfolio managers, analysts and retail investors: the ultimate judges of IR.