He was referring to the Capital Pool Company® program – whereby some 42 Quebec based CPCs listed on TSX Venture between the beginning of 2003 and the end of this last August. Furthermore, 36 Québec based companies became public on TSX Venture during the same period. In addition to securing a pipeline of new companies, the over 350 existing Quebec issuers on both markets are also benefiting from a larger TSX presence in Quebec. Mr. Nesbitt offered these facts, “Financing of Quebec companies last year on TSX Venture was more than double what it was in 2002. And TSX Venture financing in Quebec in the first half of this year exceeded all of the financing in 2002.”
There are a number of TSX Group employees in Montréal servicing local issuers. Montréal is also home for TSX Group’s national call centre – the front-line source for information for retail investors across the country. “So we’re not only here because we like to be here but because we see Québec and Montréal in particular as a significant source of our own future growth,” added Mr. Nesbitt.
A copy of Mr. Nesbitt’s remarks to the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators can be viewed on clicking here.