TSE Opens Montreal Office
Date 17/12/1999
The TSE officially opened its Montreal office today. The TSE's new office will provide Quebec issuers with the full range of corporate finance services in French and English, as previously provided by the Montreal Exchange.
These services include original listings and company regulation. Quebec-based companies that were already listed on the TSE before the recent market realignment may choose to be serviced from either Toronto or Montreal.
"The TSE is delighted to extend a warm welcome to the 58 senior companies that have recently transferred. We are committed to serving Quebec companies from the Montreal office. We are confident that the services provided will support the growth and success of Quebec's issuers," said Clare Gaudet, Vice President Corporate Finance Services.
In future, official notices, news releases and TSE regulatory materials will be published in French and posted on www.tse.com, the exchange's web site. French information is also available to the public from the Montreal office.
The fully automated Toronto Stock Exchange consistently ranks among the world's top exchanges by market capitalization and trading volume. In 1999, the average daily value of TSE trading has exceeded $2 billion. The TSE provides investors with a well-regulated, fair and accessible marketplace.