Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Trading Volume On The BME Markets Shows Strong Growth - The Latibex And Warrants Markets Hit New Trading Volume Records In May

Date 01/06/2006

  • In May equity trading volume on the SIBE platform came in at € 90.73 bn, 28 % up on the same month last year.
  • Trading on the Latibex market was € 73 million euros, 88 % up on the year.
  • MEFF trading reached 2.6 million contracts, 32% up on May last year. It is worth mentioning the record set by Ibex Futures, with 644,739 contracts, 76% up on the year.
  • Corporate Debt on AIAF in May was € 79,57 bn, 14.7% up on the year.


In May trading in equities on the Spanish market through SIBE amounted to € 90.73 bn, which represents a year on year increase of 28%. The accumulated trading volume posted since January has come in at € 438.56 bn, 25.5% up on 2005.

Trading on the Latibex market in May came in at € 73 million, which represents a 88% increase from the same month in 2005. Accumulated trading volume on the Latibex market up to May was € 333 million, 65% up on 2005.

The return on the IBEX 35® index in May was -4.64% and the accumulated growth up to May came in at 5.65%. The return on the IBEX 35® with dividends for the same period was 7.32%. The monthly returns on the IBEX MEDIUM CAP® and IBEX SMALL CAP® were 10.17% and 15.77% respectively. The accumulated return on the FTSE Latibex TOP index up to May was 5.64%.

Warrants and Certificates

Trading volumes in May 2006 on the warrants and certificates market came in at € 331 million, which represents a 100% increase over the same month in 2005 and a monthly record since the creation of this market. The accumulated figure up to May was € 1.27 bn, 44% up on 2005.

Futures and Options

In May Futures and Options trading through MEFF came in at 2.59 million contracts, 32% up on last year. It is worth noting the heavy trading activity posted by IBEX 35® Futures, the most heavily traded product on MEFF, which hit a new high, with 644,739 contracts, 76% up on May 2005. IBEX Mini Futures hit a record high too, with 180,611 contracts, 100% up on the year.

The product that showed the fastest growth in May was Stock Options, hitting 1.01 million contracts, 116% up on the year.

MEFF’s accumulated trading volume for the first five months of the year was 18.9 million contracts, 43% up on the same period last year, the figures showing heavy trading volume for Stock Options, with 5.7 million contracts, 63% up on the year, and Stock Futures, with 7.9 million contracts, showing a 47% increase on the year.

Corporate Debt

Corporate Debt trading on AIAF in May reached € 79.57 bn, posting a 14.7% increase on the same period last year, leaving an accumulated trading volume up to May of € 349.84 bn.

New issues in May came in at € 29.37 bn , leaving an accumulated volume at the end of the month of € 196.79 bn.

The outstanding balance at the end of May was € 494.29 bn, 36.9% on the year.


Trading volume on SENAF in May was € 15.23 bn, which represents a market share of 66.7% of the Spanish electronic trading platforms.