The launch of the new pan-European blue chip market is planned for 25 June 2001.
Consistent with the terms of the transaction, Tradepoint has issued 108,445,243 new shares to SWX in respect of 38.9% of the share capital. Once the Consortium has exercised all of its outstanding warrants, raising a total of £11.1 million for virt-x, the Consortium and SWX will each hold 38.9% of virt-x.
The Company also announced that it would be renamed virt-x plc with immediate effect and that the Board has been reconstituted to include representatives of SWX and independent directors.
The Board of virt-x is now as follows (*new director):
- Peter Stevens continues as non-executive Chairman.
- Richard Kilsby is Vice Chairman.
- Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter joins the Board as Chief Executive Officer. She has been granted options over 250,000 ordinary shares in virt-x plc at 90.5p.
- Doug Atkin, Instinet
- *Walter Berchtold, Credit Suisse First Boston
- *Doctor Joerg Fischer, Vontobel Holdings
- Alan Hodson, UBS Warburg
- *Professor Peter Nobel, Nobel & Hug
- *Jacques de Saussure, Pictet & Cie
- Sutesh Sharma, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
- Professor Benn Steil, Council on Foreign Relations, New York.
- Ronald Cohen
- Alan Styant
- Robert Wilkinson
- Stanislas Yassukovich.