Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Toronto Stock Exchange And CDNX To Provide $50,000US To U.S. Relief Efforts

Date 20/09/2001

On behalf of the employees of The Toronto Stock Exchange and the Canadian Venture Exchange, a donation of $50,000US is being made to the September 11th Disaster Relief Fund.

"We were deeply moved by the events which unfolded last week," said Barbara Stymiest, President and CEO of the TSE. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, the families and the relief workers who are trying to recover from this horrible disaster."

The employees of the TSE and CDNX now number more than 600 in offices in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Winnipeg.

The September 11th Disaster Relief Fund was created by the United Way and The New York Community Trust to receive donations from concerned citizens and organizations. It will provide immediate support to established emergency assistance agencies, such as the American Red Cross. It also will bring together the resources of other non-profit health and human service agencies.