Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange: TOPIX Futures Trading Volume For 2003 Sets Record High

Date 05/01/2004

We are pleased to inform you that trading volume on TOPIX futures contract (all contracts) set a yearly record-high, 9,359,137 contracts, 31.2% increase compared to the previous year.

<Annual trading volume for 2003 of TSE derivative products>

Products Trading Volume percentage change(y/y) Open Interest
(Year End)
TOPIX Futures 9,359,137(Units)
( Record high!)
+31.2% 295,606(Units)
TOPIX Options 98,137(Units) +5.2% 490(Units)
Equity Options 296,574(Units) -2.5% 15,905(Units)
10-year JGB Futures 6,465,073(100mil yen.) +1.7% 50,849(100mil yen.)
Options on 10-year JGB Futures 972,518(Units) -6.2% 17,051(Units)