Shares of the issue Livedoor Co., Ltd. (Code 4753) have fallen to the lower daily price limit every day since January 17, the issue was designated a disclosure-cautioned security on January 21st, and on January 23rd it was assigned to the supervision post. Since today, January 24, the issue has been trading on the supervision post.
Based on the number of listed units, the issue in question accounts for approximately 45% of the units of all issues listed on TSE, and has an extremely low unit price. As such, should executions other than stop allocations be performed, there is a high possibility that in later transactions, a very high number of orders and trades will be made.
Therefore, in order to avoid disturbance to the market as much as possible, TSE will take the measures outlined below with regards to trading of this issue.
Additionally, for the time being, there is no change with regards to the delay of opening of the afternoon trading session (which currently starts at 1 p.m.) nor the order limit (8.5 million) or execution limit (4.5 million) at which trading will be suspended implemented previously that apply to all issues. We also request that all orders placed at TSE continue to be consolidated as much as possible.
1. Change in trading session period
Beginning January 25th, the trading session period for this issue
will be from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the time being. (There will
be no morning trading session. Order-taking at TSE will begin as
usual at 8:00 a.m. The issue will be indicated as being under trading
suspension in the system until 1:30 p.m.) ToSTNeT transactions will
be conducted as normal.
Moreover, TSE may suspend trading of the issue depending on trading
and order circumstances after the opening price is established.
2. Regulations pertaining to trading
TSE may implement regulatory measures pertaining to trading depending on trading and order circumstances.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to all investors and related
parties and ask for your kind understanding in this matter.
This English version announcement is not an officially accurate translation of the original Japanese announcement. In the case where any differences may occur in the English version, the original Japanese announcement will prevail. TSE shall not accept any responsibility for damages caused by any errors, inaccuracies, misunderstandings or misspelling with regard to the translation of the announcement. This announcement may be used only for reference purposes. Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. maintains the right to claim compensation from violators for any damages it may suffer from the violation of these conditions.