Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange: Regarding System Capacity Augmentation

Date 30/10/2007

To ensure confidence in the market, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) has phased in augmentations to the capacity of each system since last year. Following the system capacity augmentation implemented last July, the TSE planned to augment capacity in the Stock/CB System this fall as well. In light of recent market trends, however, the TSE will revise the original plan.

The TSE will continue to work to ensure confidence in the market by making improvement after improvement in market operation from the perspective of market users, including continuing our work on the next-generation trading system.

We sincerely ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.

1)Outline of system capacity augmentation

System Outline of improvement measure Scheduled Implementation date
Stock/CB Trading System Number of orders per day : 23 million
(Initially planned : 20 million)
November 26, 2007
Market Information System Limit of messages per minute : 33 thousand
(out of which 30 thousand are related to stocks)