Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange Monthly Market Information Fees

Date 21/02/2003

Market information fees vary as follows, depending on the type of lines and the data in use. Subscribers receving data directly from the Market Information System will incur additional fees for communication lines and connection equipment.

*Market information fees are composed of License Fee and Usage Classification Fee as follows.

License Fee

The license fee is determined according to the type of line. Applicants can establish a direct connection to the Market Information System and obtain the data directly from the TSE (direct use). Alternatively, they can acquire the data from other subscribers to the Market Information Systems (indirect use). License fees for real-time data received by indirect users is the same as for the direct user supplying the data.

Real Time Data (direct/indirect use) Delayed Data *1 (indirect use) End of Session Data*2 (indirectuse)
1.5Mbps digital 64Kbps digital 9.6Kbps
General Trading Participant 650,000 550,000 450,000 230,000 120,000 70,000
Non-Trading Participant 1,150,000 1,000,000 800,000 320,000 170,000 120,000

*1 Delayed data must be delayed by at least 20 minutes from the origination of the data.
*2 End of session data includes open/high/low/close prices, and statistical information such as trading volume. End of session data will be published at least 20 minutes after the close of each market session.

Usage Classification Fee

(1) In-house operation fee
An in-house operation fee is charged to brokers and other organizations, which use real time data for in-house operations (support for dealing activities, position/risk control, etc). The in-house operation fee is charged, based on the number of terminals displaying real time data within that organization.

Number of terminals
In-house operation fee
~ 300
license fee x 40%
301 ~ 600
license fee x 60%
601 ~ 1200
license fee x 80%
1201 ~ 2400
license fee x 100%
2401 ~
license fee x 120%

(2) External dissemination fee
The external dissemination fee consists of a basic fee and a terminal fee. For a definition of "individual", "non-individual" and "reportable number of terminals", please contact us directly.

(a) Basic fee
The external dissemination basic fee is the same amount as the license fee. However, for subscribers to the 1.5 Mbps, 64 Kbps, or 9.6 Kbps lines not re-distributing quotation information (bid/ask) to end-users, the external dissemination basic fee is reduced by half.

(b) Terminal fee
Real Time Data to "non-individual" 2,000 yen per terminal*1
1,000 yen per terminal for periodical data*2
to "individual" 110 yen per terminal*1
Delayed & End of Session Data
(Applicable to "free access service")
Delayed Data 100,000 yen(network terminal fee)
End of Session Data 50,000 yen (network terminal fee)
*1 Vendors reporting large number of terminals may receive the  large volume discounts outlined below.
*2 For the periodic data service, data is updated at intervals of 15 or more minutes

Discount for non-individuals
No. of Terminals
3,001 ~  5,000
5,001 ~ 10,000
10,001 ~ 20,000
20,001 ~
1,800 yen
1,600 yen
1,400 yen
1,000 yen

Discount for individuals
No. of Terminals
50,001 ~ 100,000
100,001 ~ 200,000
200,001 ~
90 yen
70 yen
50 yen

(3) Market information fee for off-exchange transactions
Electronic Communications Networks (ECNs) or off-exchange market makers utilizing data from the Market Information Systems for off-exchange transaction purposes, shall pay the following fees.

Real Time Data 1.5 Mbps (digital)
1,250,000 yen
64 Kbps (digital)
1,100,000 yen
9.6 Kbps (analog)
900,000 yen
4.8 Kbps (digital)
350,000 yen
Delayed Data
350,000 yen
End of Session Data
250,000 yen

(4) Index calculation/product related fees
Subscribers to the Market Information Systems calculating and publishing their own indices on a real time or delayed basis, or offering tradable index products (derivatives and ETFs, etc), are subject to the following fees.

External Dissemination of Index Fee 200,000 yen
Index Product Trading Fee 100,000 yen per product

(5) Previous day's closing price / Special quote fee
Previous day's closing price / Special quote fee is charged to subscribers utilizing previous day's closing prices / special quotes (including daily price limits) of stocks and convertible bonds that is provided through the 1.5 Mbps line for the Market Information Systems. The amount of Previous day's closing price / Special quote fee is as follows.

General Trading Participant 30,000 yen
Non-Trading Participant 100,000 yen

*For an example of payment please click "Q & A - Market Data System Fees"
Q & A - Market Data System Fees

MAINS (MArket INformation System)
Monthly market information fees
Q & A - Market Data System Fees

Tokyo Market Information