Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange Imposes Penalty On Credit Agricole Indosuez Securities (Japan) Limited

Date 25/07/2003

TSE imposed a penalty on Credit Agricole Indosuez Securities (Japan) Limited ("Credit Agricole") of JPY 2 million and requested a business improvement report for its actions in soliciting business from a customer with the promise to provide special benefits to that customer.

On March 19 2002, in order to maintain business relations with a certain corporate customer, Credit Agricole solicited securities transactions from that customer by promising to waive a claim that, according to the contract between Credit Agricole and the customer, the customer was to pay as a result of the cost arising from the customer's failure to deliver stocks for a prior transaction.

The above acts are found to be a ''solicitation with promise of special benefit'' as determined in Article 4(ii) of the Cabinet Office Ordinance Concerning Regulation, etc. of Conducts of Securities Company, and thus to have violated the Article 42 (1) (ix) of the Law.